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Please Help Support St. Judes Childrens' Hospital

A to Z Entertainment, Inc. is happy to support St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital. We hope you will too!

Finding Cures. Saving Children. Comedians and Speakers Supports St. Judes Children's Research Hospital

How is St. Jude’s making a difference for sick children?

  • Every child saved at St. Jude means children saved around the world—a direct result of cutting-edge research and treatment that set the standard in treating childhood cancers. And their discoveries are shared freely with doctors and scientists all over the world.
  • St. Jude developed protocols that have helped push overall survival rates for childhood cancers from less than 20 percent, when the hospital opened in 1962, to 80 percent today.
  • St. Jude is the first and only pediatric cancer center to be designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute.
  • St. Jude has embarked on an unprecedented effort to sequence the pediatric cancer genome and to identify the genetic changes that give rise to some of the world’s deadliest childhood cancers

A to Z Entertainment, Inc. Supports St. Judes A to Z Entertainment, Inc. and is glad to help St. Judes Childrens’ Research Hospital.

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2 thoughts on “Please Help Support St. Judes Childrens' Hospital”
  1. Entertainment Buyer Guy says:

    St. Jude’s is a worthy cause!

    1. admin says:

      Yes, St. Jude’s is a great cause worth helping. We appreciate you visiting our site and making a comment.

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