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VALLIE COLLINS Inspirational Survivor Speaker

Plane Crash Survivor Vallie Collins Shares Her Story

Agent and agency booking survivor speaker Vallie CollinsWe booked motivational speaker Vallie Collins for a corporate event in April. The “Miracle on the Hudson” plane crash survivor shared her story about survival, life, and the things she learned from the harrowing experience. We’re your best speakers bureau and agency for booking and hiring Vallie Collins and other public guest speakers in addition to those you see here on our site. We can also help you plan your event if you like, so call us today at 888-655-4575. Speaker advice is free, from A to Z!

Vallie describes the terrifying but miraculous event in such vivid detail that one feels as if he or she is on the plane. Speaker Vallie Collins also touches every emotion. Vallie imparts the flood of feelings and the fear, and she will make you cry and laugh as well. She makes you think about your life and makes you wonder, “What type of person would I be in this situation?” Would I be the dazed and panicked screamer, or the cool-headed hero? Most importantly, Vallie makes you reflect upon and appreciate the miracle of your life.

Book or hire motivational speaker VALLIE COLLINS

Vallie Collins shared five lessons that she learned from this crash with the 300 people at this event. We can all learn more about ourselves and our lives from Vallie and her experience. We’re sure her positive, life-affirming message will entertain, engage and enlighten your audience too!

See survivor speaker Vallie Collins biography and a video

Your Speakers Bureau and Booking Agency to Book and Hire the Top Motivational and Inspirational Speakers

Vallie Collins and A to Z Entertainment's Agent Mari SandersSee about Booking the Best Public Guest Speakers on Any Topic

Because Vallie Collins is an engaging keynote speaker with a positive message, booking her is an excellent investment for motivating, educating and entertaining your audience whether your event is for your clients, your team, or a ceremony, celebration, seminar, fundraiser or convention.

We can help you book or hire any public inspirational speakers in addition to those you see here on our site. We’re your best speakers bureau agency and agent for hiring and booking motivational survivor speaker Vallie Collins. So call us at 888-655-4575 today and we’ll be happy to help you with your event!

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2 thoughts on “VALLIE COLLINS Inspirational Survivor Speaker”
  1. Julie H. G. says:

    Vallie Collins sounds like an interesting speaker. I heard people panicked and tried to get their luggage out of the overheads. i also heard that people were cool and cooperated. I’m glad they all made it through that terrifying plane crash. It really was a “Miracle on the Hudson”! Captain Sullenberger is a hero for sure. Good blog, good site, good speaker I’m sure.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Julie,
      Vallie is an excellent speaker. The CEO at her last event hadn’t planned to, but stayed for her whole presentation and said he was really impressed. The audience reaction was wonderful too… people actually cried and laughed at her moving speech. The water came up to the passengers’ necks inside the plane and kept rising. Vallie explains the darma of the details in great depth. She also tells how the best traits of people were demonstrated and shares valuable life lesson she learned from the incident. Vallie Collins is a powerful speaker. Thank you for your comment Julie; you’re always welcome at A to Z Entertainment, Inc.!

Please let us know what you think; thank you!

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