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How to Have a Successful Concert Event -Introduction

How to Have Successful Concert Events. Thank you for visiting A to Z Entertainment, Inc. In addition to booking comedians, speakers and entertainers, we have successfully helped plan and produce many, many concert events and music festivals across the country. This post is the introduction to a guide to help you have great concert events. We also hope you choose A to Z as your entertainment booking agency and event planner and producer. The purpose of this guide is to help you and your organization plan and conduct your event so that it is a success. Call us for free at 888-655-4575 because the advice is always free from A to Z!

How to have a Successful Concert Event from A to Z! Introduction

Many entertainment booking agencies will help you book your entertainers, but they often will not give you much help when it comes to actually planning and running your event. Because we want your repeat business, A to Z gives you more, for free, by helping you actually plan and produce, or conduct, your event. Be aware that you and your organization will have to provide staff and volunteers though. No person alone, can perform all the tasks required for a concert event.

Therefore, we have made this guide for you to know what to expect and to plan ahead. If you book with A to Z Entertainment, we will either be on site to help you and your volunteer staff, or be available via phone to give you free advice on how to run your show(s) well in advance of your event date(s). With A to Z’s help and this guide, you can save money by eliminating many additional expenses. (This is only the introduction to the guide so check our related blog posts for more information.)

There are many details to planning and producing an outdoor festival or concert and many of the things to do will take time, so plan and coordinate as far in advance as you can. Be sure to consider any other established events as far as dates, place, and entertainers that may compete with your event’s intended audience. In other words, if there is a large event, especially with the same entertainers that you plan to have, close to your event, and just before or after your event, this may significantly diminish your audience.

One of your first decisions should be deciding on the entertainers you want for your event. Be aware that many entertainers book a year or more in advance and they may perform 150 or more shows per year.

If you do not make offers to your intended entertainers early, they may not be available for your event. So, be sure to discuss booking entertainers with A to Z well in advance of your event. 888-655-4575 This will help you secure the artists you want and will probably help A to Z negotiate more favorable terms from the artists for your organization. (Artists: the entertainers, bands, and singers or acts for your event) Note that the artist you pick as your headliner can disapprove of the opening act that performs just before them. (Headliner: the main or “top” artist you hire for your event. Opening act: the “warm-up” act that plays before the headliner and is usually not as popular or well-known as your headlining artist) Of course, A to Z will help guide you through the booking process.

This guide should be used with the Advance/Event Sheet that A to Z gives you and we hope it helps you with most of the details of actually producing your event once it has been planned and booked. You will also want to read your entertainers’ contracts and riders thoroughly when planning and producing your event. (Advance/Event Sheet: a document A to Z gives you with all the names, phone numbers, schedules, addresses, and details of your event, e.g., arrival/departure times of your entertainers, hotel confirmation numbers, and key elements of their contracts. We also give a copy to the artists’ managers so that everyone knows the “who, what, when, where, why” of your event) (Riders: An addition or extension to your contract that is considered part of the contract, aka an allonge)

If A to Z is on site, we will help you and your team produce your show. If A to Z is not present, feel free to contact us if you have questions about your event or want more details than given here. 865-689-7376 Direct Line, 888-655-4575 Toll Free, email

If you book your entertainers with us, we will do many things for you, for free and provide you many details on how to have a great event. We are not promoters, but we can also give you some limited tips and tricks about how to promote your event and how to get sponsors. We try to help you with everything… from A to Z!

Again, this is just the introduction to a series of blog posts. So be sure to check our other posts for more information or just call us and tell us about your event! 888-655-4575

Then you’ll be off and running!

2 Your Venue – Venue requirements for a successful concert event

Contact A to Z Entertainment, Inc. for how to book and hire top entertainers for your concert event

Booking and Hiring Live Entertainers for Your Events

This post is by A to Z Entertainment, IncCopyright © 2021-2022 All rights reserved. This material may not be copied, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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One thought on “How to Have a Successful Concert Event -Introduction”
  1. Christen T. says:

    Hey this is great! I look forward to your future blogs.

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