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 Booking the Best Live Entertainers for Your Audience
Best entertainment booking agency

Your audience when you book with A to Z!

With over 20 years of successful experience, we are your friendly and helpful agency booking funny comedians and live entertainers. We can book any entertainers in addition to those you see here on our site – anyone you want from A to Z! We also help you plan and produce your shows. We’ve helped many performing arts centers, organizations, and companies have packed audiences and we’ll be happy to help you have a blast too! So check out these top entertainers, then call us today at 888-655-4575 to ensure your next event is one everyone will be talking about!


Wil and Langdon are cousins, who seem more like brothers, and have sung together professionally for over 15 years. They are energetic, enthusiastic, Wilson Fairchild booking agentand above all, very, very talented.

Along with their outstanding harmony, which is an inherent trademark from their fathers, Harold and Don Reid, members of the Statler Brothers, Wil and Langdon are prolific songwriters who have had over 30 songs published and recorded.

They can also play many different instruments, which makes an impressive portfolio and contributes to their unique style.

But when Wil and Langdon plug up and strap on their electric guitars and turn on their natural entertaining abilities, you can expect to be fulfilled with a musical delight by Wilson Fairchild.

See more about Wilson Fairchild and enjoy their music video!


Johnny Counterfit booking agency

Johnny Counterfit presents family friendly comedy and a wide variety of live music, in an action-packed concert your audience will always remember!

Johnny’s impressions include many great singers from Vince Gill to Johnny Cash, George Jones to Dean Martin, Garth Brooks to Frank Sinatra, along with many other impressions from today and yesterday, and comedy songs from former presidents, Clinton, Reagan, Bush, and Nixon, along with current and nostalgic content.

Your clients will laugh and enjoy fabulous music throughout the show, including songs Johnny has written, culminating with the voice impressions of Archie and Edith Bunker, singing the theme song to All In The Family!

Johnny Counterfit is featured on the RFD Television Network, SIRIUS-XM Satellite Radio, concert stages, and broadcast radio stations around the world!

Enjoy Johnny Counterfit’s bio and video

THE HIGHWAYMEN LIVE Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings Tribute Showthe Highwaymen Live booking agency

Michael Moore as Willie Nelson: Through many years of study and about a million “Whiskey Rivers” later, Moore’s ability to capture the country music legend’s voice and style are considered by many to be the best in the world. Michael is also an accomplished guitar player and performs all of the guitar parts played by Nelson in his shows with the Highwaymen Live.

Bob Gill as Waylon Jennings: Bob has performed in Nashville and other venues across North America attracting growing audiences along the way. He has several albums to his credit and became interested in Waylon’s music when he first heard him in the early seventies and since then has amassed a repertoire of most of the songs ever recorded by Waylon. During his travels, he increasingly became compared to Waylon in both appearance and vocal style.

Alan Dryman as Johnny Cash: …in a style only Cash had. Through immense respect, dignity, and love for Johnny Cash, the man, Dryman sings the melodies and music of the American legend.

As an accomplished musician and singer, Dryman brings Johnny Cash back to perform songs such as “Walk the Line” and “Daddy Sang Bass.” Equally impressive is the history brought to life when you listen to the songs and music that wind through the Johnny Cash years and invoke special memories held by fans all around the world. The Legend of Johnny Cash lives on through the melodic voice of Alan Dryman.

Check out The Highwaymen Live video!

See what you think about these top entertainers too:

Country Cool Comedy Show

Emi Sunshine Americana Band

Let’s Hang On! Franki Valli Tribute Show

Old Friends Simon & Garfunkel Tribute Show

The Brothers Everly Everly Brothers Tribute

Two for the Show Dancing & Singing

The Bankesters Bluegrass Band

We’ve helped many performing arts centers, corporations and organizations have great events and shows, so call us today at 888-655-4575 about YOUR event. We know all these artists and all receive standing ovations! So call us today because we’re your best entertainment booking agency and we give you valuable information and help for free! Contact us and put the power of professional comedians and entertainers to work for you!

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2 thoughts on “TOP ENTERTAINERS for YOUR SHOWS!”
  1. Mabern 46 says:

    Really enjoyed the videos of these folks

    1. LTRandA says:

      Thanks Mabern!
      We can book any top entertainers you want; that’s how we roll!

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