CHAD HYMAS Workplace Safety Speaker
Call A to Z Entertainment, Inc. today for free information about how to hire or book safety leadership speaker Chad Hymas. With over twenty years of successful experience, we are your best speakers agency for booking and hiring keynote safety speaker Chad Hymas! We book any safety speakers you want in addition to the ones you see here on our site. We also help you plan and produce your events, so call us today at 888-655-4575 and we’ll be happy to help you.
Are you looking for a Safety Speaker with IMPACT? Chad Hymas has been hailed as “One of the most inspirational speakers in the world” by The Wall Street Journal. His safety message has been delivered on all 7 continents in over 15 countries to literally 1.6 million people. His safety clients include some of the biggest names, in all industries, such as Asarco, Liberty Utilities, Black Hills Energy, Arch Coal, Newmont, Chevron Phillips, Balfour Beatty, Austin Energy, Newcomb Oil and Boart Longyear. He has also graced the stage of hundreds of professional and civic organizations including Wells Fargo, Blue Cross Blue Shield, AT&T, Rainbird, IHC, American Express, Prudential Life, Vast FX, and Merrill Lynch.
Let Chad bring his ‘Big Trouble’ safety messages to your people! No talk, speech or ‘motivational mecca’ will move people to action. Chad teaches organizations and individuals how motivate the motives that are hidden in themselves! Bring Chad in and help your group take action TODAY!
All five of Chad’s safety presentations are original covering 6-8 separate principles, and each can be customized to fit the needs of your specific group. Chad believes that customization is EVERYTHING. His presentations are genuine, humorous, audience engaging and very uplifting! He is bold, direct and to the point! From leadership to your front line crew, Chad’s safety messages are for all!
The Wall Street Journal calls Chad Hymas “one of the 10 most inspirational people in the world!” Chad inspires, motivates, and moves audiences, creating an experience that touches hearts for a lifetime. He is one of the youngest ever to receive the Council of Peers Award for Excellence (CPAE) and to be inducted into the prestigious National Speaker Hall of Fame.
In 2001, at the age of 27, Chad’s life changed in an instant when a 2,000-pound bale of hay shattered his neck leaving him a quadriplegic. But Chad’s dreams were not paralyzed that day – he became an example of what is possible.
Chad Hymas is a best selling author, president of his own Communications Company, Chad Hymas Communications, Inc., and is a recognized world-class wheelchair athlete. In 2003, Chad set a world record by wheeling his chair from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas (513 miles).
Chad’s speaking career in the areas of leadership, team building, customer service, and mastering change has brought him multiple honors. He is the past president of the National Speakers Association Utah chapter and a member of the exclusive elite Speakers Roundtable (one of twenty of the world’s top speakers).
As a member of the National Speakers Association, Chad Hymas travels as many as 300,000 miles a year captivating and entertaining audiences around the world.
Success And The Bird Next Door
How is it possible that someone else always finds success? What’s the secret to success that nobody told you? Don’t just sit on the sidelines as others live your dream . . . claim it for yourself! With a humorous approach, Chad demonstrates:
- How to stick your neck out and fly in the face of fear of rejection and overwhelming discouragement!
- The value of personal accountability and bold-faced tenacity!
- How to turn jealousy, envy and blame into powerful tools of change!
- The secret to turning even failure into immediate success!
- How to go out on an emotional limb and defy gravity!
- How to take risks that seem completely impossible-and become a winner!
Chad Hymas emphasizes the power in seizing current circumstances and opportunities, while holding tight to your vision until you soar!
This presentation is essential for success-driven individuals, powerful network marketing events, and highly motivated sales people and entrepreneurs!
Who Needs Legs When You Have Wings?
A motivating presentation must be accompanied with solutions that change and inspire lives. Today more than ever, people are looking not simply for entertainment, but for direction and solid answers. Chad Hymas has spent the last ten years developing solutions that transformed his life. His stories are moving, his courage unprecedented, and his insights . . . profound. His accomplishments provide a powerful litmus test to the validity of these dynamic principles! In this presentation Chad will teach your group to:
- Conquer the emotional paralysis that robs vision and momentum.
- Turn obstacles into incredible opportunities.
- Harness the power of change and rise above to progress.
- Tap into unseen personal power and inner strength to accomplish seemingly impossible dreams!
Chad Hymas gives an incredible presentation ideal for corporate safety meetings and celebrations, after-dinner keynote addresses, and broad audiences!
Book or Hire Keynote Safety Speakers and Top Safety Speakers
Booking and Hiring Top Business Training and Leadership Keynote Speakers
Having helped hundreds of clients, we’re your best speakers agent for hiring and booking safety speaker Chad Hymas. We can help you book or hire any safety and keynote speakers in addition to those you see here on our site. So call us now at 888-655-4575 and we’ll be happy to help you with planning and producing your event! We are not the exclusive speakers agency of any public keynote speakers on this site, but we’re the best.
Understanding Your Needs – Providing for Your Event – Contributing to Your Success!